Pure Lavender Hydrosol

Lavender hydrosol (“hydro” means water and “sol” is short for solution) is the aromatic essence that is obtained through the gentle steam distillation process from cut lavender flowers.

At Black Teal Bay we only use a natural therapeutic distillation to obtain our pure hydrosol utilizing a traditional copper alembic still, a process which can take up to four hours to complete.  The distillation process originates with heated steam traveling up through the column of lavender plant material before reaching the condenser where cold running water acts on the submerged coil of steam and separates the essential oil from the pure hydrosol water. This pure hydrosol is comprised solely of water-soluble components derived directly from aromatic lavender plant molecules.   

Our pure hydrosol is very different from some other hydrosol products which are manufactured by combining distilled water and oil combined with a dispersant (such as glycerine or alcohol) to dissolve the essential oils in water

Lavender hydrosol offers numerous therapeutic properties and benefits to mind, body, and spirit. At Black Teal Bay, our traditional therapeutic steam distillation process ensures that we produce a gentle, safe, and effective solution for aromatherapy treatment, skincare wash and hydrating moisturisers. Our pure hydrosol is easily absorbed into the skin versus manufactured products and works well in synergy with essential oils to aid healing.

We personally undertake and manage the entire process of producing hydrosol ourselves – from growing our own lavender crop through to hand-picking and distillation – and as a result at Black Teal Bay we have developed a deep understanding of what it takes to produce quality essential oils and natural hydrosol.    

Pure and naturally derived lavender hydrosol ensures that the real healing properties of the lavender are retained and helps to (re)connect us with nature and each other.   


Book Review: The Thoughtful Gardener