Beeswax candles

Bees produce a natural waxy substance called beeswax which they use to build their honeycombs, particularly over the winter months. The careful removal of some of the wax from the hives has been used for centuries to make clean burning beeswax candles. 

Beeswax candles were likely first used by the Chinese in the Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.). Beeswax candles were later introduced to Europe in the Middle Ages but due to the relative scarcity of beeswax, they were only accessible to the upper classes and the church.

The original candles were thought to be used by the Romans and were made from tallow. Over the centuries candles have been made from a variety of substances including spermaceti (a waxy material obtained from the sperm whale) as well as paraffin (which is made from coal and oil shale), and bayberry wax. Vegetable-based candle waxes - soy wax and palm wax - were developed for candles during the 1990s derived from soybeans and palm oil. Paraffin remains by far the most frequently used candle wax on a worldwide basis.  

Beeswax candles do have real benefits over artificial and synthetic wax candles. Firstly, beeswax candles are made from naturally produced beeswax and are low in toxicity and don’t contain any carcinogenic ingredients, nor do they contain artificial fragrances or dyes and are virtually soot free.

Beeswax candles have a delicate natural honey scent and burning beeswax candles produces negative ions thought to neutralize airborne pollutants, helping to remove the negative effects of breathing in dust, odours, and mold. Beeswax candles can also help create a cleaner living environment and can help to ease allergy and asthma symptoms. These ions can also potentially increase levels of serotonin which can in turn can reduce stress and boost energy (including for pets).

Beeswax candles are environmentally friendly they are made from natural and renewable ingredients that require no chemical processing – they are untreated and not coloured. They’re also biodegradable and compostable.  Beeswax candles naturally burn at a slower rate, giving them an excellent lifespan. They are also safer due to the high density and melting point of beeswax candles, and rarely drip if burned in a draft-free location.

The bright light produced by beeswax candles comes from the same spectrum as sunlight. And even though they burn very brightly, the light produced by beeswax candles places limited strain on eyes and creates a warm golden glow.   

Here at Black Teal Bay, we source local beeswax to handcraft our own beeswax candles which are available in-store at our Arrowtown shop, and on request.


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